
Dumbest Man on Internet Freaks Out Over "SHOCK VIDEO" That Isn't the Least Bit Shocking

Decatur Deb10/24/2014 5:38:11 pm PDT

re: #305 PT Barnum

I gave up soda altogether though I drink a lot of Crystal Light, but I’ve gone from two or three 2 liters of Mt. Dew per day to 2 or 3 packets of Crystal Light which is a lot less aspertame and caffeine both and a hell of a lot cheaper.

re: #307 prairiefire

Good grief, that’s a lot of Dew! How did you do with caffeine withdrawal?

Does a Sodastseam avoid the health issues? I’m guessing it eliminates the sodium and sweeteners. We’ve been doing a lot of 50/50 fizzie and orange or grapefruit juice. (Amarreto helps.)