
GOHMERT! "God's Hand of Protection Will Be Withdrawn" Because of Same Sex Marriage

Pawn of the Oppressor6/26/2015 7:29:29 pm PDT

Politics aside - I am a bit bummed out that whoever’s next in office is not going to be as fun as BHO. His staff and PR people and the man himself are really good at sneaking in little things that really are actually *fun*. Off the top of my head:

- Sharing the White House homebrewing beer recipe (which I passed on to an acquaintance who brewed a batch… It was delicious)
- Appearing on “Between Two Ferns” with Zack Galawhatever
- Maron’s podcast (haven’t listened yet - did he still call it What The Fuck with Marc Maron when the President was on??)
- Trolling with rainbow lighting

There are others that I can’t recall offhand, that showed a sense of humor and social media awareness that I appreciate. I’m one of those people who thought his first election was The End of Everything, but came around to (secretly) vote for him in ‘12.

His administration has been far from perfect - he’s been pretty much dedicated to keeping the whole ship from sinking all at once - but I don’t think any administration has been this good and savvy at social outreach, and I certainly can’t see the next crowd being as good either.