
Stephen Colbert Helpfully Explains How Mueller Sparked Trump's Latest Twitter Tantrum

Mattand8/03/2018 6:10:41 pm PDT

re: #310 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

They are very smart, very resourceful, and can be incredibly annoying to deal with when accustomed to humans. That being said, I think they’re just adorable and I hope he/she gets resettled safely.

I saw one about 100 yards off in the Poconos while walking the dog. Remy wanted to go see the big weird looking canine, and the damn thing started heading slowly towards us.

I got the dog under control and slowly walked away. Once the bear disappeared into another yard, I called the cops and let them know there was a bear in the area. They were pretty much like “Yeah, flatlander, call us when there’s an actual problem.”

I prefer my bears in zoos, thanks.