
An Amazing Band You Probably Haven't Heard Of: Progger: "Morning Star"

lawhawk8/23/2018 7:37:19 am PDT

Mob bosses know when to shut up.

Mob bosses have far more competent counsel.

Trump is neither competent nor knows when to STFU.

Everything he says gets him in deeper trouble, and his only reaction to bad news is to project/deflect/lie more.

He’s aiming squarely at his bigot brigade base, because that’s all he has left.

He doesn’t have support anywhere else, and if the base begins to crumble, the craven and cowardly GOP in Congress might begin to consider alternatives (though they’re still full metal GOPers who will push their judicial nominees through since it means shifting the balance on the courts for decades to come even if Trump is eventually removed from office via impeachment).