
Texas School Board to Vote on Anti-Evolution Curriculum

SixDegrees3/23/2009 2:49:14 pm PDT

re: #247 avanti

How do you lose the Creationist’s without losing a big chunk of the base or if you have to keep them, how can you win votes outside the base ?
It’s a problem that may well solve itself as the country becomes more secular, but that could be a decade or more.

You do so by explicitly separating religion from politics; by making it very, very clear that Conservatism certainly shares an overlap with MANY religious views, but cannot and will not stand for anyone subverting Conservatism for the purpose of imposing religion through the power of the state. Constant reminders that Conservatism, at it’s core, requires government that is non-intrusive and which allows individuals the greatest possible scope of freedom would be in order. If the Fundies want to sit out elections because their wet dream of ramming their religious beliefs down everyone’s throats through the force of law, let them sit. Far better to lose, and deprive them of their Taliban-esque fantasy, than to win at the cost of accepting even a small sliver of such a fundamentally anti-American idea.