
Neo-Nazi Assassination Plot Update

funky chicken4/19/2009 2:15:48 pm PDT

re: #294 calcajun

Please— tell it. Make some more heads go “pop”.

If for no other reason alone, Ron Paul should be shunned by calling for a return to the gold standard. If you want to see Weimar Republic-like inflation right now—then that is the surest way to bring it about.

The gold standard stuff is stupid, but the Stormfront association is evil, I think. Full disclosure—I’ve not researched Stormfront much (like never gone to their website), but if it’s a white supremacist organization like I’ve heard from lots of sources I trust, his friendship with them is way worse than the gold standard fantasy.

Also, remember when Ronulans were trying excuse his decades of racist newsletters by saying that Lew Rockwell had written them and Paul didn’t know how nasty they were? Now that the election is over, Lew Rockwell has been given the thumbs-up by that Fox News guy?