
Bert and Ernie: Brutal

realwest7/06/2009 9:54:51 pm PDT

re: #308 MrPaulRevere
OK, I’ll certainly grant you that it might - MIGHT - be a glimpse into the window of the thinking of the young Obama.
But I also have to say - having been around in those days and having attended the NO NUKES Concert - that I didn’t find anything (and I did read it all the way through even after I saw how old it was) new or enlightening - just a lot of the same old, same old from college kids in those days. And it was - perhaps understandably, driven by the Selective Service - nobody wanted to get drafted into another Vietnam. But his line “Not so the Greens. If a group of young, anti-establishment pacifistsv,ith unusual ideas and uncomfortable answers to hard questions terrifies us more today than Hitler, Himmler,
Goering and Goebbels did back in 1933,
our terror says more about us than it
does about the Greens or the Germans.”
He completely lost me. Both intellectually and emotionally. I don’t ever remembering being terrified of the Greens or their ideas; I do distinctly remember being terrified of the Germans and their ideas, even though they were 33 years or so old at the time that was written. It was an essay written by a young, immature college student and reads like it.
I will say that Obama has learned a lot since then. And his only concern with the Envrionmentalsists (the “Greens” of today) is that they vote for him.