
Video: No Global Warming in the Last 10 Years?

~Fianna9/07/2009 5:23:31 pm PDT

re: #296 buzzsawmonkey

Ludwig: you claim to believe in G-d, and the Torah.

G-d has said that he has fixed the Earth so that it will not falter.

You claim otherwise, vis a vis “anthropogenic global warming.” In other words, you claim that Man is stronger than G-d, and has set the Earth on a course which will cause disaster unless Man—not G-d—alters that course.

So, which do you believe in? Man or G-d? If you believe in G-d, you believe that the self-correcting Earth will adjust to accommodate whatever crap Man has thrown at it. If you believe in Man, you believe that Man’s pollutions trump the Word of G-d.

I am not arguing with what you believe. I only want to know which one.

Why can’t it be both? G-d didn’t say anything about fixing humans on the Earth. In fact, G-d gave the Earth in to our keeping, according to Torah, and I kinda wonder if He isn’t a bit annoyed at how much we’ve mucked up the place.