
Glenn Beck Is Embarrassed He Supported Her: "Sarah Palin Has Become a Clown"

CuriousLurker9/10/2015 4:06:08 pm PDT

OT: WTF? In 2001 this guy shoots a Muslim guy outside a mosque, leaving him with a spinal injury that keeps him in a wheelchair for a year and a half. He’s charged with attempted murder, assault and weapons offenses. In 2004, three years later, he pleads guilty to assault, is found not criminally responsible, and is committed to the state psych hospital. By 2006 he’s back out.

Six years later, in 2012, he walks into a church and shoots the prayer leader dead. Again three years later, he’s finally going to court, but this time has been deemed competent to stand trial. If they don’t put him away for a good long time, he’s gonna be right back out shooting up places of worship again, and next time it could be a major massacre.