
Video: Stephen Colbert Bites Into the Juicy New Trump Book

allegro1/05/2018 8:41:03 pm PST

re: #299 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

I knew it sounded familiar. Thought I remembered hearing of him associated with the Red Pill dumbfuckery, too. Christ, what a lot of assholes. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with a strong independent woman. Hell, it actually makes my life a lot easier, because with my mental state, I’m not always in a good place to be a good husband to a meek, submissive wife.

When I was a little kid, like in the 50s, my mom told me that the best insurance my dad could ever have to protect his family was a strong, educated wife who could support the family without him if needed. A very politically correct way at the time to say what she said directly as I got older: don’t ever depend on a man, or anyone else, for your support and well-being. Damn subversive in the day.