
Seth Meyers: Trump's Mar-a-Lago Neighbors Don't Want Him to Move There

Joe Bacon ✅12/17/2020 9:31:56 am PST

re: #308 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

My father, also a Pitt Alumni, stopped giving them money back in the early 70s when they hired Johnny Majors and started trying to be a college football power.

I pretty much never have due to their two-faced behaviors regarding students and also fraternities. Lots of lip service towards helping and trying to fix broken systems while really doing nothing or actually making things worse.

Oh I was there when Majors and Sherill ran the football team. Dorsett was treated like a Greek God. Memories of Tom Perko who said he was going to the next Super Bowl, got drafted by the Packers and cut during training camp. He couldn’t handle being cut…suicide…