
Now They're Surprised

J.S.2/27/2009 10:09:27 am PST

re: #303 Nevergiveup

There’s been an interesting dust-up here in Canada. (I don’t know if you’ve heard about this). The Minister of Immigration and Multiculturalism, Jason Kenny, came out and said that he would be reviewing whether or not the Canadian Arab Federation (CAF) would continue to receive government monies. Jason Kenny wanted to review their funding, because the CAF is so antisemitic and supportive of terrorist groups. Why should such an organization be in receipt of Canadian taxpayer’s monies? Then the leader of the Toronto branch of the CAF called Jason Kenny names…which then led to other disputes. Eventually, though, the head of the whole CAF in Canada wrote a letter in defense of the CAF. Turns out he’s a Christian Arab and in the letter he named all the Liberal Leftist Jews who also support the CAF (again the CAF which has come out in support of Hezbollah, Hamas, etc.) And, it is certainly no stretch whatsoever to say that the Leftist Jews supporting CAF also support Palestinian organizations dedicated to the destruction of the State of Israel…that’s just “the reality.”