
Holder Defends 9/11 Trial Decision

Mad Prophet Ludwig11/18/2009 11:29:35 am PST

Had we not tortured these men, a civilian trial - and giving them the platform to speak would be a good thing. These are Jihadis. Let them publicly spew their bile and remind people what we are fighting against. The Islamists provide the best propaganda for us when we let them show their true colors.

However, since we did violate any number of principles that we are supposed to stand for, they have a ready made propaganda piece against us. None the less, we have Kahlid videotaped himself decapitating an American before he was captured. It would be hard to keep that out of the public eye when he goes to trial. The most important thing that the U.S. can do is show who these people are in a just way that follows the rule of law and is subject to as little question as possible.

The only way to do that is with a public trial.

We have to be the good guys in our own eyes even more than the rest of the world. The entire point of the Left is to say that nothing matters in terms of right and wrong. We have to clearly show wrong for what it is. The far right on the other hand is simply ok with breaking the law if it punishes enemies. That of course, is exactly how the Jihadis think.