
Update: Rep. Cantor's Office Was Not Targeted

Mad Prophet Ludwig3/25/2010 2:47:41 pm PDT

In fact, I want this point repeated so the latest incompetence defense spin gets put in it’s proper place.

If you are arguing he was so craven as to make the conference right away without getting the facts, that means he cared nothing for his people if they were still busily working. If they were not and evacuated, then his first priority - being sooo busy with everything else is to get them working again.

So I repeat. If someone shot at my window, I would want to know the facts immediately. Why? Well not just for my own safety, but for the safety of the people who worked for me. Right if my office were actually attacked, I need to know all the details as soon as possible in order to keep my people safe and determine when they can start work again.

So if you are making the utter incompetence defense - that he did not know the report before he shot his mouth off in a partisan attack on Dems, then you are also saying that he cared more for using this as a political tool than for the safety of his own people.

The incompetence defense falls short. It only makes him a bigger putz.