
Video: Boardwalk Empire's Unnoticed Computer Graphics

SanFranciscoZionist1/01/2011 9:00:09 pm PST

re: #309

Our dog likes to chase things; but he’s never caught anything, and I’m not sure he would know what to do with it if he did.

The cats mainly like to toy with things, once they catch them. But honestly, none of ‘em much better than the dog, as far as catching things goes.

We once took our dog to visit relatives in the country (his, not ours, we went to the people who gave him to us, so we could hang out with them. They still had his mother and brother.)

While we were there, he grabbed a rooster. The other dogs had been trained not to go after the poultry, but our dog was raised in the city, and we let him chase seagulls on the beach. He was never going to catch one, so why not?

When the rooster started to struggle, he panicked. He’d done the whole thing on instinct, and hadn’t, I suspect, thought through what was going to happen next.