
Florida Mayoral Candidate 'Jokes' About Bombing Abortion Clinics

Spocomptonite2/24/2011 2:10:02 pm PST

re: #257 Obdicut

I was in Italy with my mom a long time ago, having pizza. I know pizza wasn’t really a big thing in Italy originally, but they certainly adopted it with a zest once every American tourist wanted to have it.

Anyway, we were at one place where the crust was just perfect, just a bit of chew, very crisp, absolutely perfect.

My mom asked how hot the oven was.

The waiter said it was four hundred fifty degrees.

We thought “Well, that’s not that high— oh right, Celsius.”

832 degrees fahrenheit.

I worked for a few months at a gas station that had a gourmet pizzeria in it, complete with a huge, gas-powered brick oven. They kept their oven at around 700-750 degrees. That’s good crust.