
Kerry Faces the House of Representatives

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/04/2013 2:14:39 pm PDT

The IDiots had a conference in which they discussed with teachers, including public school teachers, on how to insert religion into their teaching and schools.

Evangelical magazine World reports (approvingly):

Peeking outside the Darwin cage

To protect the identities of some attendees, WORLD agreed to use pseudonyms (designated with an asterisk).

David Brown,* a public school physics teacher in his 30s, doesn’t like to simply follow the rules, especially when it comes to science and evolution: “When the culture tells me I’m not allowed to think outside the Darwinian box, it makes me want to think outside the Darwinian box.”


While the Texas Board of Education changed the wording of its science curriculum in 2009 to make room for teaching alternatives to evolution, the school district where Phoebe Johnson* teaches took a hardline stance: Darwinism is true; everything else is wrong. Johnson, a high school biology teacher, soon started to feel the heat. Although her classroom curriculum only required a summary of evolution, Johnson was also part of the school’s Christian club, where she held a talk about how science and religion can coexist.

“I think I have a middle-of-the-road approach to it,” Johnson said. “One thing about the ID movement is that the people involved are really doing a good job being objective and trying really hard not to get wrapped up in politics or religion but looking at it for what it is.” [*cough*]


The Potter’s School is an online Christian school popular among homeschoolers and missionary and military families. The lead science teacher, Lori McKeeman, 58, has been teaching students about intelligent design and the Bible for seven years. She traveled from her home in Pensacola, Fla., to the Discovery Institute’s seminar to learn the latest ideas from intelligent design scientists. “With science, you have to continue professional development,” she said. McKeeman and another Potter’s teacher are considering using the Discovery Institute’s new private school science curriculum, Discovering Intelligent Design.


At its heart, “Intelligent Design” is really about bringing in sectarian religious beliefs into public schools.