
CPAC 2014, Festival of Lunacy Photo Gallery, Featuring Cowboy Reagan

jamesfirecat3/08/2014 8:45:39 pm PST

re: #311 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

I think that’s kind of implied to be true with the asshole from “Heart of Gold”, but on the other hand Prudence or whatever is definitely independent through and through.

The Core isn’t really socialist, though, even though it’s got a lot of social services and shit it’s capitalist and there’s ultra-wealthy people. Its real oppressiveness is the police-statey-ness of it.

Honestly the crew never spends enough time on core worlds (I think only Ariel and Trash) for us to get a real feel for how much of a police state it is or is not. Granted they have the blue hands but for all we know they are the exception rather than the rule and family who do not posess psychic super children live their lives relatively unmolested….