
Colbert From Home: Trump Insists We've "Prevailed" as Dr. Fauci Refuses to Sugarcoat His Coronavirus Outlook

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)5/13/2020 4:06:33 pm PDT

re: #315 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

Evening Lizardim from the cloudy and rainy wild north country. Governor Walz is expected to lift his “Safe at Home” order, replacing it with a “Stay Safe” order that allows gatherings of up to 10 people and some retail stores to reopen. He’s trying to balance science and not giving the GOP a leg to stand on, and I honestly empathize with him. At least he doesn’t have the Supreme Court shooting him down, like our neighbors to the east. How go things among the lizardfolk this evening?

Nice out today and going to get warmer as the week goes on. Plants starting to sprout in the planters (herbs and peas). Neighbor cat sighting today. Chat Noir seems to be doing OK with the dail Sub-Q fluids and is eating well. Tuxedo Cat being Tuxedo cat and is often being banned from the computer room due to being an annoyance.