
What If They Gave a Tea Party and Nobody Came?

realwest7/05/2009 8:50:08 pm PDT

Good evening y’all - I’ve only had a chance to skim this thread, but I am not at all surprised that the MSM didn’t cover the Tea Parties.
Indeed, if it wasn’t for Charles exposing the MSM’s hypocrisy and lies with Rathergate, where Dan Rather, “60 Minutes” and CBS tried to pass off documents that they knew (or should have known) were forgeries and fakes as the real thing, JUST BEFORE the 2004 election, we might have had Lt. For Life (h/t TKF) John Kerry as POTUS.
The MSM will do whatever it can do to discredit and marginalize the right wing of the Republican Party and is firmly ensconced in Obama’s pocket - his BACK pocket at that.
Having said that, I think picking July 4th was a poor idea, at best, for Tea Parties and I’d wager that the Tea Parties that will be held on April 15-16, 2010 are going to be HUGE.
Because - after you cull out the weirdos, whackos and Stormfront people, you still have HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of citizens who are now pissed off at the way the Democratic Party is doing what it always does best in a crisis: throw money at the problems.
And guess what? On April 15, 2010, the Dem’s will no longer be able to blame Bush, for the Democratic Party will have controlled Congress, and hence appropriations, for four straight years.
I agree that the GOP needs to get it’s act together and find some genuine leaders - and they will not be BASED in religion - they may very well believe in Religion and probably the Christian Religion, but they won’t be the “socons” - they’ll be the part of the mass of people who truly believe in small, EFFECTIVE government, of government that believes small business is and always has been the engine that generates the most jobs and that government has generally done every job it’s picked up (from welfare, to ownership of the automobile industry, control of the banking industry, control of the financial services industry, control of the real estate industry, control of the energy industry and probably control of the health care industry as well) BADLY. And they will screw all of them up the same way they screwed up running welfare.
When Americans who DON’T have access to public transportation (i.e., “flyover country”) get together with the folks in the Rust belt industrial states who cannot afford the energy needed or the coal to be mined, then there will be a taxpayers revolution (peaceful but still a revolution).