
Texas GOP Rep. Gohmert on Alex Jones Radio Show

Velvet Elvis7/28/2009 10:44:08 pm PDT

re: #292 The Shadow Do

My health insurer today is such a meany. I purchased their policy and the bastards have lived up to their contract. Outrageous!

I haven’t had health insuance in two years. I’m a freelance web programmer.. I was able to afford private insurance there for a while but as the economy took a nosedive so did my income.

I’ve got what feels like a wad of phlegm stuck in the back of my throat except I can’t swallow it down and can’t cough it up. It just sits there making me gag. I’ve been treating it as if it’s acid reflux. I went to a walk in clinic and they said that’s what it probably was but I couldn’t afford to get the rx filled that they gave me so I’ve just been taking pepcid. The next step is an endoscopy to see if it’s a growth of some kind but I don’t see the point in that because I’ve got no way to pay to deal with it if it is. In the meantime I’ll just sit around gagging on my own throat until I puke.

I’m happy you’re content with your insurance.