
Overnight Open Thread, with Tiny T-Rex

Walter L. Newton9/22/2009 6:53:05 am PDT

re: #304 John Neverbend

Obama is talking right now at the UN about the US approach to climate change.

And the EU is not impressed…

European officials say the Obama administration lacks focus because its top talent is wrapped up in the all-consuming debate over healthcare.

Prompted by remarks last week by Harry Reid, the US Senate majority leader, that cap and trade legislation might be pushed back to next year, John Bruton, the EU ambassador to the US, blamed the Senate for holding up the global agenda.

“Sometimes in this country, the greatest deliberative body in the world [the Senate] acts as though it is the only deliberative body in the world and that we should all wait until it gets healthcare passed,” he said.

“There is a global timetable and the US Senate is fully aware of it . . . The world cannot wait on the Senate’s timetable.”