
Video: Birth of a Climate Denier Talking Point

Bagua10/07/2009 11:11:49 pm PDT

re: #304 austin_blue

Sweet! Now are the “sane voice of reason” who is trying to marginalize a single poster on this board. Please include include Charles and myself in your attacks.

This is talking point number xxx in the skeptics playbook. Isolate the most cogent commenter and then marginalize him or her.

That’s what makes you a shill.

Why should I attack Charles? If he made an assertion I disagreed with I would note my position as I did on this thread. The fact is I rarely find anything he says or posts disagreeable.

As to you, we sometimes disagree and sometimes agree, in fact we are often in disagreement as you tend to take a liberal view of many issues (in my biased and slanted opinion) and I tend to take a more conservative view.

As far as any “playbook” I find your insinuation to be overly suspicious. Ludwig gets more of my attention because he is by far the loudest and shrillest voice in the room, with by far the most to say on the issue. I also spend more time chatting with him on a wide variety of issues, most of which we agree on.

You seem to see “shills” a lot, I recall you said something similar to Salamantis. If I may indulge in your method, I note that it is a standard Warmist playbook technique to insinuate that every AGW sceptic or agnostic is automatically immoral, dishonest, or corrupt. It may be true in some cases, Glenn Beck certainly fits those labels, but methinks you carry this a bit too far.