
Jonathan Kay: The Tea Party Movement Is Full of Conspiracy Theories

Racer X2/10/2010 8:52:37 pm PST

Texas Schools Ban Author for Book He Didn’t Even Write

Most parents love Bill Martin Jr. for the work he did with beloved children’s illustrator and author Eric Carle. But schools in Texas have decided Martin’s beloved tomes have to go.

Not because they’re naughty, but because Martin shares his name with another Bill Martin. The other guy just so happened to write a book (for adults) about Marxism.

And you all know what happens when you expose kids to a little socialism.

That’s right, they learn about another form of government! Of course, Bill Martin Jr. isn’t really trying to educate kids about much more than what brown bears see and the parts of the body. He even wrote an uber-American book if there ever is one: I Pledge Allegiance.