
Wired Journalists Say Chat Transcripts Contain 'Nothing Newsworthy'

Aceofwhat?12/30/2010 6:49:09 pm PST

re: #305 ozbloke

No just that Floyd Abrams has the opposite opinion to Daniel Ellsberg.

yes. a more well-reasoned opinion, too.

Ellsberg’s take is so leaky that even he sees the gaping holes in his patchwork.

Ellsberg: While generally praising Assange, Ellsberg said Assange should have done a better job in his initial document releases of redacting names of people and sources…
Ellsberg: Ellsberg acknowledged that the government needs to keep some secrets…

This is what we call ‘tripping over one’s intellectual feet’.

although i didn’t realize until just now that Charles had already posted that WSJ article as a main thread topic here…i apologize for the duplication.