
Opponents of 'Stand Your Ground' Predicted Racially Motivated Killings

Rightwingconspirator3/22/2012 9:30:58 am PDT

re: #292 Buck

“Stand Your Ground” Author: Trayvon Martin’s Alleged Attacker Not Covered Under Law I Wrote.


In other words don’t blame “Stand Your Ground”.

You might be right. If all true, my read on this just might prevail.
But in any case the law needs to be narrowed in scope. If I was teaching a class today, for Floridians wih CCW’s, I would instruct them that they must not count on immunity if they did anything like follow or pursue the threat.
From Bucks link
“”The information that has been publicly reported concerning Trayvon Martin’s death indicates that the castle doctrine may not be applicable to justify the actions of the attacker, Mr. Zimmerman.

Media stories sharing the transcripts of the 911 tapes from the evening of the incident clearly show that Mr. Zimmerman was instructed by authorities to remain in his vehicle and to cease pursuit of Mr. Martin. George Zimmerman seems to have ignored the direction of the authorities and continued his pursuit of Mr. Martin.

Mr. Zimmerman’s unnecessary pursuit and confrontation of Trayvon Martin elevated the prospect of a violent episode and does not seem to be an act of self-defense as defined by the castle doctrine. There is no protection in the “Stand Your Ground” law for anyone who pursues and confronts people.”