
Bad Lip Reading Remixes the Avengers: "REDNECK AVENGERS: TULSA NIGHTS"

CuriousLurker5/25/2015 3:32:48 am PDT

re: #313 Nyet

To be personally attacked (and let’s not pretend it was anything else) over a disagreement about what I find funny.

I don’t know what world you live in, but that wasn’t a personal attack. You’ll know if I’m attacking you personally because it won’t be passive aggressive in the least. You’re ascribing innuendo to me that there’s no evidence of, especially since I explained in detail what bothered me about the stupid troll.

You seemed to think my dislike had something to do with some sort prudish of aversion to “icky and gross lesbian sex”—you were wrong.

I thought what that troll said was trashy, crude, not even remotely funny (for reasons already stated). You thought it was funny. That you found it amusing reminded me in no uncertain terms that no matter how many things you & I agree on, no matter how well we get along 99% of the time, we still have completely different world views—nothing more, nothing less.

You can accept my explanation, or you can read some other stuff into it and hold a grudge (or be disappointed in me or whatever). I have no control over which option you choose.