
New From Keith Olbermann: Trump Is Steering Us Toward International Disaster

Targetpractice12/06/2016 8:43:22 am PST

re: #308 Belafon

Which adds to the theory that this is a way to short the Boeing stock he owns.

Problem is that, like most such schemes, it’s only going to cause more headaches down the line. This isn’t the old days when he could have used the possibility of other companies snapping up the contract scare Boeing. The only other companies that are around anymore due to consolidation are Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman, and they don’t build anything nearly the same size as the 747. There is also Airbus, but the last time the military tried to procure one of their jets, Boeing drug the Air Force before Congress and got their paid Congresscritters to screech about buying “foreign” jets until the AF quietly bought Boeing’s design instead.