
Obama Speaks 3

Mich-again2/09/2009 6:33:38 pm PST

Here are a couple comments from a thread from the HuffPo writer Sam Stein that Obama mentioned. Dems jump on Steele..


This Kneegro think speaking in ebonics is the way to get African Americans votes. I was hopeful the election of President Obama would be a moment for African Americans to take on self responisibility and elevate themselves. Now we got this Kneegro is spliting out stereotype.
Posted 09:01 PM on 02/09/2009

Once again,
just goes to show that when the gop came up with the token black guy as the tit to obama’s tat, they really didn’t stop to find out if he had half the brain of Obama. Bet those rednecks and kkk guys are kicking themselves in the butt now for not selecting an intelligent white guy. If intelligent and gop can co-exist.
Posted 08:28 PM on 02/09/2009

Stay Classy Huff Po.