
Overnight Open Thread

lawhawk4/05/2010 8:49:58 am PDT

Sacre bleu - work conditions at Disneyland Paris are purportedly causing suicides among workers there.

At the happiest place on Earth? Really?

“It’s all about profit, profit, profit,” Guy-Bruno Mboe, leader of a Disneyland union, told the Times of London.

He claimed the suicide of a 37-year-old restaurant manager at Disneyland was the result of working conditions at the theme park.

“The combination of fewer staff and demands for more productivity just pushed this poor man over the edge,” he said.

He had wanted to quit, Mboe told the London newspaper, “because of having to work more and more with less and less means.”

The father of four allegedly hanged himself the day he was supposed to return to work, after having taken several days off.

Two other workers reportedly committed suicide earlier this year.