
Video: The Cat Piano

CuriousLurker4/26/2010 4:45:37 pm PDT

re: #287 marjoriemoon

Maybe, but isn’t the Republican party all about change now? The teabaggers want to change government, as in less government. Arizona Republicans want to change the 4th Amendment (in essence). Others want to change separation of church and state and teach creationism alongside evolution. The right wants change alright, but changes in the wrong direction.

Obama campaigned on 4 major issues healthcare, economy, education and energy. These are the things he wanted to change. The economy is the most difficult because not all of that is in government control. Healthcare he got passed (good or bad). He’s made some moves in education, giving grants and credits for community service. Energy will be the next big hurdle.

These are changes all of us should be willing to get behind. Not re-writing the constitution (like they claim the left the is doing).

I guess now it’s all about change/counter-change. Or something. The whole thing is really weird to me. I mean, America is still here. No black helicopters have landed, no political prisoners have been arrested and carted away to FEMA internment camps, no children have been forced to attend re-education programs, POTUS hasn’t declared that God is dead (commie) or instituted shariah (seekret Kenyan Moosilim). So….? I don’t get what all the drama & panic is about. It just doesn’t compute.