
Report: Pakistani Arrested in Times Square Attack

Nimed5/04/2010 1:28:46 am PDT

re: #309 ausador

See the part where you said “in this Country”, that is the part that matters. That traitor is not in this country, he is not wearing the uniform of a foreign army either, therefore by the laws of this country which you just claimed you wished to uphold and also by the international rules of warfare he may be shot on sight, executed by an ad hoc firing squad, or hung from any convenient place a rope will hang from.

All completely legally and within the laws of this country, the President simply said to go ahead and enforce those laws if we get the chance, I don’t see much difference between a missile from a predator and a bullet from a firing squad…

Being in or out of the country is relevant for foreigners, but not U.S. citizens. Our legal protection extends beyond our borders, and uniforms have nothing to do with it.

How do you know he is a traitor?