
TN Lt. Gov. Ramsey: Religious Freedom Doesn't Apply to Muslims

Walter L. Newton7/26/2010 2:17:43 pm PDT

re: #316 Renaissance_Man

No, you have. As Avenue Q says, everyone’s a little bit racist. It’s one of those things that makes us human - a tiny primal suspicion of those who look different, or an inclination to make jokes about the stereotyped differences. It is simply a part of who we are.

Does that make it okay to go on racist tirades behind closed doors? No. Does it make it okay to continually bring race to the fore as a divisive issue, and use it to attack your political opponents? No. Does it make it okay to make racially offensive jokes? No.

Then again, there’s a world of difference between having a non-PC chuckle about Indian cab drivers, and lynching blacks for being uppity. There’s a world of difference between grumbling about not being able to understand inner-city Ebonics, and Whites Only signs at counters. The West has come a very long way. America, and the English-speaking Western world in general, has a very small racism problem in comparison to the whole rest of the world. A relatively small number of backwards retreads will continue to make news, but this is the fault of the sensationalist media, and the huddled masses who eagerly lap it up.

The constant drum of racial dogwhistles put out by the Conservative cult media are a small noise. The bald-faced racism used by Breitbart and the like to attack their political opponents plays to a relatively small audience, on the national scale. It’s a playground moment - ‘So you called me a racist? Oh yeah, well you are too!’ - which we see played out every day on our national media, and even on this blog.

You base you whole comment on something some puppets sing? Gee, next you’re gonna tell me Fozzie Bear posts on LGF :)