
Panic-Stricken Politicians Force Mandatory Quarantine on Ebola Health Workers

ausador10/26/2014 4:52:21 am PDT

Kaci Hickox got a nice Alumna write up in her college paper back in 2011…

Alumna Kaci Hickox goes beyond borders

Alumna Kaci Hickox spent her winter break aiding Yellow Fever patients in Uganda.

The outbreak in the east African country was so severe that Hickox was asked by Doctors Without Borders to do medical work in a clinic for a month.

This was the latest service she’s had with Doctors Without Borders in her four-year history with the organization.

Means that she has been volunteering with DWB/MSF since 2007, kind of destroys the idiots like Chuck claiming it is some kind of plot by the CDC. Said she always wanted to be a nurse overseas and doesn’t like being tied to one place for too long.

Also she was doing that 2011 volunteer work while studying for her dual master’s degree in nursing at Johns Hopkins University. No wonder the CDC picked her up for their two year trainee program, she has impressive credentials.