
Watch Live: Hillary, Bill and Chelsea Clinton's Midnight Rally in Raleigh NC

lawhawk11/08/2016 5:43:54 am PST

re: #316 Big Beautiful Door

Things I’d like to see that probably won’t happen: the federal government setting election standards to make it easy to register and vote throughout the nation, and getting the states to agree by offering billions of dollars to fully fund their elections. Should include automatic registration, same-day registration, and weeks of early voting.

I’d like to see the VRA restored to full operation, which would require Congress to get off their collective ass and fix the problems identified by the Supreme Court (though they screwed up that case royally IMO). Add to that a fully seated Court, and that would restore many of the protections that the GOP has abandoned in pursuit of trying to win elections by depressing turnout among those who are least likely to vote for them.