
Michele Bachmann Introduces Ron Paul: 'He's Awesome!'

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]10/02/2009 5:33:57 pm PDT

re: #286 BryanS

It’s a pretty silly complaint—but Obama was supposed to be so eloquent compared to his predecessor. He was supposed to be a fresh change of pace from the verbal buffoonery of Bush, but it’s just a show. That’s the point. It’s a partisan swipe/payback for the left’s mocking of Bush’s, well, Bushisms.

It was stupid then, it’s stupid now. Obama IS more eloquent than his predecessor, and it is ALSO a show. All presidential speeches are a show, and some leaders are more skilled at the show than others. You can really like Bush and still admit with intellectual honesty, that speeches were not his strength.