

Guanxi882/11/2010 8:02:14 am PST

re: #311 SasyMomaCat

ah, yes - see, if mine bought me a gift from Needless Markup, I’d be a little ticked that he spent that much money on me - but, I’m a simple girl and don’t go in for fancy or expensive too much. I’m always afraid I”ll damage or lose it. :)

Dunno about the Needless Markup quip - though I’ve used it in the past myself. Case in point - went there one time looking for a tie. Had the great good fortune to meet a floor clerk whose sense of taste and style were streets ahead of my own, and yet, for all that, he respected the underlying tone I set with my wardrobe. After an hour of back and forth, we’d found the perfect tie - it was everything that my wardrobe would require, fully in accord with all sartorial precedent, but was about one-half beat ahead of the others, if that makes any sense.

Yeah, they mark up, but it’s for the service; people are afraid to go and seek out the opinions of these folk - they’re not Walmart greeters - they know their stuff.