
Teabonics Sign of the Day

sattv4u24/15/2010 9:12:46 pm PDT

re: #307 windsagio

The problem I have with vouchers, and some of the other comments in this thread too, is the ‘fuck society I have mine’ attitude.

Thats the voucher thing in a heartbeat. “I don’t want to put my kid in public school, so my money shouldn’t go to pay for those schools”.

Kidless people that bitch about school levys and such are the same thing.

Selfish bastards.

Only 10 states (and DC) have a voucher program

The vouchers pay very little of what the parents have to shell out for private school.
In that those people no longer send their kids to public school, that means one less kid in a classroom (a good thing, right?), one less child the “public” is responsible for, right?

It’s HARDLY a “fuck society” thing.