
Joe Scarborough to GOP: 'Man Up' and Confront the Idiot Half-Governor

Fozzie Bear11/30/2010 1:17:51 pm PST

re: #303 Slumbering Behemoth

Are we certain of that? If someone kidnaps kids from the states, and sends them to a brothel over seas, isn’t there something we can do about the brothel owner? I don’t know how that stuff works, just wondering out loud.

I don’t think that’s entirely true.

This, however, is entirely true.

The only way to stop people from posting things anonymously on the internet is to attack the infrastructure of the internet itself, including the practice of tunneling (i.e., using encryption to mask communications). If you remove Assange from the equasion, nothing is accomplished.

If, however, you don’t let douchebags in the military have access to USB ports, Wireless cards, DVD/CD drives, etc. on the same computer they have access to secured data, then none of this could ever have happened in the first place.

The source of the leaks was the leaker, and the half-assed practices that allowed it to happen. THIS is what people should be pissed about. THIS is what caused this. THIS is what gives Assange his 15 minutes.

None of this would have or could have happened if the “air gap” had been properly maintained.