
Tom Waits on the Fallon Show: Raised Right Men

lawhawk7/12/2012 9:11:54 am PDT

Tapping into a couple of themes of the current thread: A tanker truck crashed in Nigeria, and then a bunch of people came running to scoop up the fuel. The truck then exploded - killing 91 people. That’s the latest in a long string of similar disasters.

A 1998 pipeline explosion killed more than 1,000 people (debate over whether it was caused by negligence of the pipeline company or that scavengers intentionally ruptured the pipeline. Other pipeline explosions have killed hundreds - often caused by scavengers trying to tap the lines for personal use or for reselling to others.

Nigeria lacks sufficient infrastructure, safety protocols, and regularly experiences oil shortages (causing the scavengers to do their thing).

And one of Nigeria’s largest oil export partners? The US.