
GOHMERT! Gay Marriage Means the End of Civilization

klys (maker of Silmarils)6/26/2013 2:47:52 pm PDT

re: #307 GeneJockey

$200K/year WOULD pay the mortgage on a very nice place, however, and if we’re talking about $200k/year indefinitely, that’s the equivalent of a lot of wealth.

It still depends on location - living costs are also higher, of course. but let’s say $200,000. Between federal and state taxes in CA, that takes you down to $100,000 (roughly, I am not an accountant) a year. That gives you $2750 a month available for housing, if you go by the 33% of take home pay rule.

That sounds like a reasonable amount, until you consider that in some places *coughStanfordcough*, a one bedroom apartment can easily go for $1400 if not more. Two to three bedrooms? You’re talking easily into the $3k a month range.

Now granted, you still have a lot more left after the housing costs are considered for the rest of cost of living stuff. Not going to disupt that. But location makes a huge difference. (There’s a reason grad students in the Bay Area get paid ~50% more than most others, and it’s not due to any other factors.)