
Watch Live: CPAC 2014 - Festival of Lunacy

lawhawk3/06/2014 12:52:07 pm PST

re: #306 Chrysicat

Even one of the MSNBC guests is saying that if you represent a killer on appeal, your career should be capped and you kept out of government permanently. And apparently he’s a congressman.

The justice system is built on the responsibility of government to provide legal counsel and protections to all defendants if they cannot afford one on their own. That especially goes for capital cases. I might not have the stomach personally to take up that task, but others do. And it’s vital that they do.

I certainly wouldn’t hold that against a defense lawyer in a capital case, regardless of that person’s political affiliations either.

In a way, I think anyone who is seeking a spot on the bench should have to represent someone in a capital case, to see the world from that perspective.