
The Littlest Republicans Debate

Skip Intro8/16/2015 11:24:12 am PDT

Just in case you think Alex Jones is a crazy nutter, I give you this, the real thing.

BTW, the Sept 23 end of the world day is just a false flag hiding the real thing.

In accordance with Jewish beliefs, acts committed against “Goyim” or non-believers on Yom Kippur are forgiven in the eyes of the Jewish God.

Mass Planetary Depopulation while Elites go to Mars Colonies?

The planned year long false flag event, around which the U.S. government Jade Helm martial law drill is designed, may take various forms. The holographic projection, crisis actor, and managed mainstream media technologies perfected in prior false flag events such as the JFK assassination (Nov. 22, 1963); 9/11 (September 11, 2001); Hurricane Katrina (Aug. 29, 2005); Hurricane Sandy (Oct. 22, 2012); Sandy Hook Elementary (December 14, 2012) are reportedly to be applied in creating any one or more of the following “events”.

(A) Dimensionally engineered Asteroid collision or “Planet X-Nibiru” false flag event[5];

(B) HAARP and directed energy weapon intentional Yellowstone seismic detonation warfare[6],

(C) CERN Dimensional Hell Chaos[7]

(D) False Flag ET “Invasion” or False Flag ET “Disclosure”

See also: PROJECT BLUE BEAM The technology of the September 23, 2015 Jade Helm year-long false flag explained?

There are some really batshit insane mofos out there, and they have followers.