
Amazing New Music From Joanna Newsom: "Sapokanikan"

Black d2010/26/2015 8:18:17 am PDT

When it comes to gun control laws I’m in the camp that, unfortunately, believes Sandy Hook’s non-reaction put a nail in the coffen of real reform (including mental health-related ones) for some time to come. It demonstrated that all the fury, frustration, and sadness that could be mustered stood no chance against the power of the NRA and those who back it. We didn’t have a Port Arthur moment, and enough people/money decided that the lives lost then was a price the country was willing to pay at the collection table of the Second Amendment.

And that there are people who believe Sandy Hook to be a HOAX on top of that… ugh.

It’s cynical of me, I know, but can you blame me?