
Wikileaks Threatens to Dox All Verified Twitter Users, Then Deletes the Tweet

wrenchwench1/07/2017 9:33:14 am PST

Good essay. I’ll give away the ending so those who are so inclined will go RTWT.

[…]My friends and I honestly believed that if we stuck by one another and searched for power within ourselves, we would find it. And we weren’t wrong.

There is something scary about being a teenage girl. There’s something frightening about any state of life that involves so many mysteries, and so many drastic changes. But the thing that many people find scariest—the idea that there’s a force in teenage girls that doesn’t follow the rules and can’t be controlled, that these girls might be going off together and forging something new, something unknown and surprisingly powerful—isn’t scary at all. It’s deeply awesome. And, unlike the deathly curses uttered by Ouija boards, it’s real.