
Italian Composer/Pianist Ludovico Einaudi: Tiny Desk Concert

No Malarkey!7/16/2022 8:37:18 am PDT

re: #307 Dr Lizardo

At the end of World War Two, the Czechoslovaks put the Beneš Decrees into effect. The Germans were (essentially) forcibly deported at the point of a bayonet back to Germany (and sporadically massacred, I should add). There were also forcible deportations in a good many other eastern European nations as well. Should the Ukrainians do that? Of course not. But the Russians living in the Donbas need to decide what’s it gonna be…are they Russian citizens? Or Ukrainian citizens?

Most likely however, if Russia were militarily defeated in Ukraine, it becomes a moot point.

The Russians living in the Donetsk Basin would most likely flee en masse to Russia. No force whatsoever would be required - they’d be too fearful of Ukrainian vengeance.

I don’t know, but I wonder how many Russian speakers in the Donbas actually want to be ruled from Moscow, and to what extent the separatist movement was manufactured in the Kremlin. I have read they are being forcibly impressed into fighting in the war.