
Overnight Open Thread

capitalist piglet3/10/2009 1:16:05 am PDT

re: #299 Slumbering Behemoth

In fairness, you did not. Falwell is a sore spot here the same way that anyone who blames America for the 9/11 terrorist attacks is a sore spot here.

Not to turn up the dimmer on the party here, but:

Is it accurate to say he blamed America? I thought he was blaming a part of it - a culture that was sliding into Godlessness. Am I mistaken?

And in any case, didn’t he apologize?

Also, I have to take issue with the idea that this man was “evil”. I can understand why people wouldn’t take him seriously, but I am struggling to understand what was “evil” about him. He was just a pastor, right? Am I missing something heinous that he did, or something? I very well could have - I didn’t pay him much attention when he was alive - so if he did something that would change my rather benign impression of him, please enlighten me. Someone earlier called him a “threat”, I thought…and I was trying to figure out what that was about, too.