
Alan Keyes Arrested at Notre Dame with Radical Anti-Abortion Activists

Joan Not of Arc5/15/2009 9:39:48 pm PDT

I’m going to get into trouble for saying but I’ll say it anyway: I’ve never bought the idea of accepting a child’s lifestyle or choices simply because “it makes them happy”. Parents have to love their children, not necessarily accept what they do. If someone’s son or daughter was drilling heroin into their veins, a parent should accept that? I realise that is an extreme case but my point remains that parents may love but not accept something that is morally or pragmatically wrong.
Secondly, no degree- honourary or otherwise- should be handed out unless a level of knowledge or experience has been proven. It’s bad enough Mr. Obama got in with the lack of experience and character that he has, but a line should be drawn somewhere.
Thirdly, why is a university- ostensibly a Catholic one- hosting an anti-life president? He is the most pro-abortion, pro-infanticide president in American history. Who the hell greenlighted his coming and how fast do they want to be excommunicated?