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austin_blue9/18/2009 11:26:06 pm PDT

re: #313 Pawn of the Oppressor

Guys like Maher drive me nuts… Absolutely sharp, spot-on commentator one minute; tasteless, vulgar, obnoxious jerkass the next. The man is obviously not stupid, but half the time his mouth runs away with his brain.

That’s actually a pretty good description of most political commentators. Depending on whose ox is being gored.

I remember when Maher said that the 9/11 attackers weren’t cowards, that it took balls the size of grapefruits and a clear vision of will to fly planes into buildings. He was, of course, correct, in my opinion. Those bastards were *absolutely committed* to their mission.

But it flew in the face of national rage. They just *had* to be cowards! The Prez said so! We wanted to believe it! To believe otherwise would *empower* this new threat with something we didn’t want to give them- legitimacy.

We didn’t want to give them that power over us, so we called them cowards, and Maher lost his show. But you know what? He was right. They weren’t and aren’t cowards. Evil, committed, murderous, yes. But not cowards.