
Facts Not a Stumbling Block for Malkin

Velvet Elvis12/16/2009 5:40:59 pm PST

re: #267 WindUpBird

I can’t watch the liberal blogs right now, some of them want to torpedo the health care bill because it’s not perfect. UHGHGH

I here you. Markos is being particularly insufferable about it so the whole DKos community has taken it as a license to go batshit insanere: #295 Jeff In Ohio

Both Iglesias and Ezra Klein had reasoned pieces up today. The rest of the progressives need to know how to sit at the big person’s table. Politics is ugly, it’s incremental, it’s never satisfying. If people want satisfaction, try hashish and chocolate and sex. All at once or individually.

Thank You!

It’s not like Social Security was perfect when it was first passed either. HCR is going to be a 50 year effort and this bill is just the start.